off his guard การใช้
- Cotys was off his guard and was arrested by his uncle.
- During the struggle, a dog attacks Fadi and bites him in the face, knocking him off his guard.
- Steele's strategy initially managed to catch Balto off his guard, resulting in him becoming lost as well.
- The " rMnin " saw that they would have to put him off his guard before they could succeed.
- The sheer volume of missing documents, and missing recollections, strongly suggests to me that Bush blew off his Guard obligations.
- Their temporary withdrawal had been designed to put Chanda Sahib off his guard; and it succeeded in that Trichinopoly was very poorly provisioned.
- Michael and Hayes switch places to keep Yorga off his guard, but Yorga becomes increasingly insistent that it is late and his guests must leave.
- However the thief is recognized by Morgiana, who performs a dance with a dagger for the diners and plunges it into his heart when he is off his guard.
- However, the thief is recognized by Morgiana, who performs a sword dance with a dagger for the diners and plunges it into the thief's heart, when he is off his guard.
- In order to put Gangadhar Shastri off his guard Bajirao proposed to accompany him on a tour of pilgrimage to Nasik, Trimbak and Pandharpur and to have his son's marriage performed at Nasik.
- Two years later, while a large body of Iroquois were going on a pretended visit to the governor some of their scouts met Pieskaret near Nicolet, r ., and treacherously killed him while he was off his guard.
- Hardaway, who had all but disappeared in this three-of-five-games series because of a sore knee and suspect confidence, delivered another 3-pointer off a drive-and-kick by Terry Porter, who caught Charlie Ward off his guard.
- The question is not whether the two articles are distinguishable by their label when set side by side but whether the general confusion made by the article upon the eye of the casual purchaser who is unsuspicious and off his guard, is such as to likely result in his confounding it with the original.
- Confrontation ( which from several perspectives is the theme of the whole opera ) occurs after Salud and Sarvaor gate-crash the festivities, astonishing the bride and the guests and momentarily throwing the mendacious groom so much off his guard that he utters Salud's name before denying he knows her and ordering her ejection.
- The ancient folk etymology associated it with ( " deceit " ), a legend claiming that the festival originated in 1100 BC as a commemoration of a single combat between a certain Melanthus, representing King Thymoetes of Attica, and King Xanthus of Boeotia, in which Melanthus successfully threw his adversary off his guard by crying that a man in a black goat skin ( identified with Dionysus ) was helping him.
- :" . . . one of [ Zengi's ] attendants, for whom he had a special affection and in whose company he delighted . . . who nursed a secret grudge against him on account of some injury previously done to him by the Atabeg, had, on finding an opportunity when he was off his guard in his drunkenness, and with the connivance and assistance of certain of his comrades amongst the attendants, assassinated him in his sleep on the eve of Sunday, 6th Second Rabi'( night of Saturday, 14 September ) ."